Webcomics I read
Prophecy Failed
My friend draws this one, and it's very well-written. Go read it!
Dominic Deegan
An epic fantasy comic that I actually like! Also updates 5 days a week.
Dubious Company
A comic that two friends of mine collaberate on. Funny! Quirky! Go read it!
Yeah, I read this! And so should you. It's probably the webcomic that is the most consitantly
Another fantasy comic that I like! Actually, I more than like this one. I adore it. Go read it!
Soap opera-typey comic that makes me laugh. The colours...are also pretty XD
Lust for Freelance
Yes! I read my own webcomic! That's right. (Gosh, the author really needs to update more
Read this comic and it will break your heart because the author has stopped updating. Grrr.
Ugly Girl
Another soap-opera-type comic that I read. I like the style and the character designs, what
can I say? Doesn't update very often, though.
Awkward Zombie
This girl puts everyone else to shame. I laugh at almost every panel she draws.
Comic about toy-collecting. TOTALLY not my field, but the funniness genuinely entertains. Contains "THE GAY" as well.
This isn't a webcomic per se, but it's a webzine that I contribute to. Go and see the awesome comics that me and my
friends draw!